Kintsugi Court House
Aluminum leaf and contemporary Kintsugi methods.
First Thoughts: The dome is such a pleasing yellow. It almost looks like a lemon dessert of some kind or a cheerful cartoon sun. Now that it’s broken, a little light can get into this figurine. Unfortunately, a broken judicial system puts a lot of people in the dark from those wrongly accused to those who can’t afford the process to get justice and have to forge ahead with an altered life. It’s hard to imagine peace without the noble elements of justice so it’s very worthy of attention and repair. This is not to say that there are aren’t people out there making true justice their life’s work. Hopefully one day our systems of justice will only need maintenance and a few new coats of paint here and there not major repair and hoped life will be less and less litigious too. I’ve yet to meet anyone who’s idea of a dream weekend is to read contracts and every word of what’s behind the “I’ve read all the terms and conditions” links!
Second Thoughts: Even if we can’t flawlessly patch together the Justice systems, it’s worth honoring and supporting Justice when it can be found.
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